Legend of the Cryptids Wiki

(Inspect) Cataclysmic Lancer Naomi


After learning of the world's beauty from her journey, Naomi suddenly recalls everything. She is a goddess who erased her memories to judge the world through pure, innocent eyes. Surrounded by humans, hands clasped and eyes pleading, she reaches a decision: The world yet possessed good enough to spare it from annihilation. She returns to the Heavens with the holy lance in hand as the people offer up their prayers to her.


See Cataclysmic Lancer Naomi.

Name origin[]

Naomi is an English, Dutch and Hebrew feminine name of Hebrew origin (Na'omiy); the meaning is "pleasantness". It is derived from the word noam meaning "sweetness, pleasantness, my delight". Other variants are Finnish Noomi, French and Hungarian Noémi, Belgian Naomé, Irish Náoimí and Italian, Polish, Czech, German, Spanish and Portuguese Noemi'.

Additional Info[]

Artwork by Pyeongjun Park aka Totorrl.
