Legend of the Cryptids Wiki
Legend of the Cryptids Wiki

(Growing Havoc) Hecatonchier


Hecatoncheir's very birth a grievous sin, the gods responsible for its creation banished it to the most remote location on the planet. This was the prison of Tartarus, deep beneath the underworld.


Added on October 15, 2020 to the Magnified Resurgence Card Pack.

Name origin[]

The Hecatoncheires (Hundred-Handed Ones) were three giants of incredible strength and ferocity in the archaic, pre-Olympian era within Greek mythology.

Additional Info[]

  • Can be gifted and traded since May 5, 2021.
  • The Passive Skill Level is raised with Martial Dragons.

See also[]

(Chaos I) Wrathkind Hecatoncheir

(Growing Havoc) Hecatonchier (Normal Card Image)
