Strife exists in even the most peaceful of worlds. And wherever it should rear its ugly head, Ovillian is there to restore order. But should the demons of the underworld be the aggressors, Ovillian dons her mightiest armor and brings her seraphic warriors to the battle. When it comes to the fiends of hell, the ordinarily forgiving Ovillian shows no mercy.
Evolve 2 (Kind) Seraph Squad Leader Ovillian
Name origin[]
A seraph is a six-winged angel and the highest choir or order of angels in Christian and the 5th highest order of angels in Jewish angelology.
Additional Info[]
- Artwork by songjjang100.
- Renewed Version of (Boon) Seraph Squad Leader Ovillian.
- PWR changed from PWR 40 to PWR 41.