An utterly repulsive stench filled the air of the underworld's morgue. Upon a mountainous pile of demon corpses lay Belphegor. Her apathetic behavior meant that she worked to the benefit of none but herself. Though she had no interest in the coming battle against the Heavenly forces, she found the role of managing the morgue and using the remains as materials for weaponry simple enough. Indeed, it allowed her sufficient time to indulge in her favorite activity: slumber.
Added on March 22, 2024 to the Art of War Card Pack.
Name Origin[]
In Jewish demonology, Belphegor is the Arch-devil.
Additional Info[]
Can be fully customized into six possible variants with element and skill of user's choice with special elemental crests.
- Offensive:
- Defensive:
- Renewed Version of Belphegor, Morguesmith.
- Artwork by Tae Sub Shin.