O gods, binders of souls, oppressors of liberty. Thine power pervadeth the very land itself, shackling fast the children of men. Yet thine restraints cannot holdeth mine darkened wings. Thine influence cannot reacheth into the abyss. Here, I shall give rise to a world of true freedom. Engrave mine name upon thy hearts. I am Lucifer, lord of the underworld and defiler of the divine.
Evolve 2 (Disobedient) Lucifer the Betrayer
Name origin[]
Lucifer of Latin origin, the meaning is "the morning star, the planet Venus", or, as an adjective, "light-bringing"; derived from lūx "light" and ferō "bear, carry".
In Christian tradition Lucifer was an angel, who was close to god. But he felt from Heaven and many angels followed him, starting a war against god. Nowadays Lucifer is one of numerous names of the Devil.
Additional Info[]
Can be fully customized into six possible variants with element and skill of user's choice with special elemental crests.
- Offensive:
- Defensive:
- Variation of (Morning Star) Lucifer the Traitor
- Artwork by Crow God.