Legend of the Cryptids Wiki

(Delight) Ancient Seastorm Ruins


Hawkins heart leapt at the sight of the treasure chest packed with gold coins that he had found among the ancient ruins. It wasn't Captain Kidd's treasure, but it was the first loot he had ever found. He would never forget the sight of the shimmering mountain of coins before him. Seizing a handful, he beamed with confidence.


Acquired by evolving Hawkins, Treasure Island Seeker with one Treasure Island Compass to get (Storm) Hawkins, Amidst the Tempest, then evolving with Andrea, Treasure Map Bearer.

Additional notes[]

This card can be further evolved with one of Transcendental Forest Crest, Arcane Water Crest, and Menacing Fire Crest, into the element of the player's choice.
