Legend of the Cryptids Wiki

Ophois, Finder of Paths


There was not one moment where I forgot my reverence to my mother. After all, my role in the pantheon was in many ways simply a continuation of that of the great Anubis, and so there was no reason I should abandon my respect. Regardless, it appeared I had become a threat to her dominion. Deep down within the crevices of Neotellus, a battle between mother and daughter for dominion over the underworld had begun.


Evolving Ophois, Finder of Paths with Ophois' Diary Page 7 times.

Name Origin[]

Ophois is a Greek name for god Wepwawet. In late Egyptian mythology, Wepwawet (also rendered Upuaut, Wep-wawet, Wepawet) was originally a war deity, whose cult centre was Asyut in Upper Egypt (Lycopolis, meaning "city of wolves", in the Greco-Roman period). His name means, opener of the ways and he is often depicted as a wolf standing at the prow of a solar-boat. Some interpret that Wepwawet was seen as a scout, going out to clear routes for the army to proceed forward.

Over time, the connection to war, and thus to death, led to Wepwawet also being seen as one who opened the ways to, and through underworld, Duat, for the spirits of the dead. Through this, and the similarity of the jackal to the wolf, Wepwawet became associated with Anubis, a deity that was worshiped in Asyut, eventually being considered his son. Anubis is the Greek name of a jackal-headed god associated with mummification and the afterlife, protector of the dead and also god of funerals and death. One of his prominent roles was as a god who ushered souls into the afterlife. He attended the weighing scale during the "Weighing of the Heart," in which it was determined whether a soul would be allowed to enter the realm of the dead.

Additional Info[]

Special Skill card for Edge of Death Odyssey Event. Boosts the number of Event Items acquired by up to 1.9x regardless of Skill Level.
