The novice pirate Juan's greatest ambition was to become the king of the pirates, but his inability to find a crew hindered his progress. Either his flippant nature would see him cast aside within three days or the ship's strict laws would suffocate him. At last, he realized that a different approach would be necessary. "If there's no crew that'll suit me, I'll make my own!"
Added on April 2, 2021 to the Grab Bag Card Pack.
Name origin[]
Juan is the Spanish form of the Latinized Greek male given name "Ioannes", itself derived from the Hebrew name "Yochanan" meaning "God is gracious".
Additional Info[]
- First stage of a 5-Stage evolution.
- Skill Card of the Crew Clash Round 1.
- Renewed Version of Lone Pirate Juan.
- Artwork by Livia Prima.