Legend of the Cryptids Wiki

(Bestir) Primeval Dark Demogorgon


Demogorgon, the ancient origin of all darkness, slept for eternity on his throne in the center of Hades until a dark miasma seeped down from the world above. "The entity who sought to return all to nothingness has fallen. No longer can anything in this realm defy me."


Added on September 30, 2016 to the Magnum Opus Card Pack.

Name origin[]

Demogorgon, although often ascribed to Greek mythology, is attributed to a fourth-century scholar, imagined as the name of a pagan deity or demon, associated with the underworld and envisaged as a powerful primordial being, whose very name had been taboo.

Various theories suggest that the name is derived from a combination of the Greek words daimon ("spirit" given the Christian connotations of "demon") and Gorgon ("grim") - the Ancient Greek triad of goddesses (Stheno, Euryale and Medusa) whose name derived from word gorgos ("dreadful").

Additional Info[]
