The priestess Azaes used to be but a mouthpiece for the god Kleitos until she clothed herself in her shining, black garments that could consume anything she desired. They had originally been a gift from the king as a symbol of her loyalty and service, but their corrupting influence turned her into the sorceress of Atlantis' misfortune forevermore.
Added on December 22, 2024 to the Art of War Card Pack.
Name Origin[]
In Greek mythology, Azaes was one of the ten sons of Poseidon and Cleito in Plato's myth of Atlantis.
Additional Info[]
Can be fully customized into six possible variants with element and skill of user's choice with special elemental crests.
- Offensive:
- Defensive:
- Renewed Version of Atlas' Priestess Azaes.
- Artwork by Yigit Koroglu.