Legend of the Cryptids Wiki

(Abyss) Mors, Goddess of Death


Wherever a creature may die, Mors is made aware of its demise. And when the number of death swells, the sorrow that she alone must bear is enough to rend her very being.

Name Origin[]

In ancient Roman myth and literature, Mors (also known as Letus) is the personification of death equivalent to the Greek Thánatos. The Latin noun for "death", mors, genitive mortis, is of feminine gender, but ancient Roman art is not known to depict Death as a woman. Latin poets, however, are bound by the grammatical gender of the word. Horace writes of pallida Mors, "pale Death," who kicks her way into the hovels of the poor and the towers of kings equally. Seneca, for whom Mors is also pale, describes her "eager teeth." Tibullus pictures Mors as black or dark.

Additional Info[]

Artwork by Huang DaHong.
